Katey Korzenietz

Nov 15, 20131 min

“I rebel, therefore I exist”

Hardworking. Conscientious. Motivated. Ordinarily I can tick all those boxes, but you know what, nope, not today.

I, like you I bet, have worked my noggin off all week, exhausted myself mentally, denied myself fun, frolics and fitness (sitting at my desk is soooo not good for my butt!) all in aid of achieving my work goals.

Well, sayonara baby, laters, I’m outta here. I’ve done loads this week and I’m off to take my mum out for lunch. It’s been waaaay too long since we had a girly catch up and I could do with some fun mum time.

Ok, I admit I’ll do some work tonight (see, I am conscientious really) but for now life takes over and a yummy lunch and maybe a cheeky glass of something pink and bubbly await me.

Why don’t you give yourself a break and be a rebel. Give yourself the afternoon off and go do something amaaaazing, yay!

Have a fab weekend my lovelies x
